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Love Notes to Friends
Jolene Wajda

I haven't really written anything since Cole's been gone. I mean, I guess that's not entirely true. A few months back, I had this...
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Forty-eight months.
It's an incredibly electrifying, all-consuming, insanely dreadful feeling to believe your life will end at someone else's hands. I am...
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Eight years.
Eight years- Sometimes it feels so long, Other times so short. But today, today it doesn't feel like either. Today it's just a fact. Its...
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Bella and Fraser.
I was able to sneak in one last hangout with these two before they made the move to Australia that they have been planning for months. I...
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Jim and Leinani
I met Jim and Leinani about a month ago. They had come to dine at the resort I work at in British Columbia. The restaurant in the lodge...
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Now, I will start this story off, stating the fact that Stuart didn't exactly have the easiest transition into our household. You see...
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When I decided about six months ago that I wanted to move to the west coast, going up to Thompson to spread my dad's ashes was not even...
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I drove out of my last stop on this trip heading to the ferry to take me to Nanaimo, B.C. I left extra early in the morning. The sun was...
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I have always loved to write. I feel that I am better at articulating my thoughts when I put them down on paper, rather than speaking...
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Buckle up. I have a lot to say about this one. I first met Brendyn in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta where I lived with Ryan, my...
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Sabina isn't a friend; I've only met her once actually. About 11 years ago on a bus coming back from Kelowna B.C. I was living in...
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He was my first real heartbreak. Not the kind of breakup where you go out to lunch in middle school and your best friend tells you that...
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The Grandbois.
I met Dawn when I moved neighbourhoods and started at my new elementary school. I remember riding my bike around the back dirt paths and...
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I'm not sure if he was my first kiss, but he was most definitely my first crush. We grew up in the same neighbourhood in the not-so-fancy...
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Melissa Melissa and I became friends in Grade 8 and were extremely close right up until I left my hometown. Almost every memory I have...
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Silver hair. Clean shaven. Always a plain t-shirt (black or grey, sometimes white), dark blue jeans and nice shoes. All class. The first...
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You how some people just like…radiate coolness? That's how I feel about Erik. The first time that I met him was through a friend who I...
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Damn. This girl. I met Alyssa while working at a restaurant in Moncton, N.B. My first time seeing her, all I could think was, whoa this...
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She is hands down one of the best things the universe has gifted me. I moved to Halifax when I was nineteen. She was one of my coworkers...
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She is my oldest friend in this life. I have thousands of memories of her, but the very very first one I recall is her showing up on my...
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